Have a question?
Below, you will find some of our more frequently asked questions! Don't see your question answered here? Drop us a line at [email protected]
What is my geography, and what kind of geographies can I select?
NERDE is able to run reports for several geography types including census tracts, counties, economic development districts, and states. After selecting a geography type, you may select multiple geographies to tail the data explorer to your needs. For example, the Argonne office is located in Lemont, Illinois, which is in DuPage County. When looking at the broader community, Cook, DuPage, Will, Kane and Kendal Counties all impact our lab's staff. When running the data explorer for Argonne, we would select these five counties to view.
What is the Area Fact Sheet?
The data for the Area Fact Sheet are updated regularly. Users can expect changes to the Area Fact Sheet every quarter. Please check back regularly for updates or e-mail us at [email protected] to sign up for our newsletter and get updates direct to your inbox.
How do I get in touch?
Contact us with questions or comments by e-mailing [email protected]. For information on webinars, data updates, or quarterly reports, please sign-up for our newsletter.
How do I use the Data Explorer?
Select the Data Explorer from the home page or the navigation pane. The Data Explorer allows you to select your geography type, including census tracts, counties, and Economic Development Districts (EDDs). After selecting your geography type, you can choose one or multiple geographies to build your personalized dashboard. See our data sources page.
What do the percentiles mean in the EDCI report? Where can I learn more about each of those? How should I be applying this information?
For more information, please visit the EDCI webpage.
What does the Internet Access Index (IAI) value mean? How should I use this data point?
Argonne developed the IAI to better understand the challenges many households face in connecting to high-speed internet, whether due to lack of broadband availability from internet service providers or difficulties in subscribing to a broadband service. For more information, please read the Whitepaper.
Is there a way to download an Area Fact Sheet for my state or my EDD?
The Area Fact Sheets are currently only available at the county level. While we work on expanding the geographic capabilities of these sheets, you can access man of the information from these sheets within the State or Tract explorers in the Data Explorer Dashboard.
I selected my EDD but not all the counties in my area are showing up, can I report a change to the EDD listed counties?
Yes, if the counties listed for your EDD are incorrect, please send us an email at [email protected] with the name of your EDD and counties that need to be added. All of our EDD information comes from EDA so if the information is incorrect in NERDE please also reach out to your EDA Economic Development Representative to let them know. If you are unsure of your EDA region, check the Distress Statistics Generator for information.
How can I use NERDE data with Generative AI tools?
Our researchers at NERRC are constantly looking toward more ways to integrate data from NERDE to generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini. One easy way to get started with using NERDE data with these tools is to upload Area Fact Sheets for your area into your Generative AI tool to ensure validated data is returned. A useful prompt to get started is: "Can you summarize these documents into a paragraph about the region, a SWOT, and resilience recommendations?"