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This summary section provides baseline economic data that can be useful for grant applications, planning, or other activities.

Summary Data

Illinois (FIPS #17) has a population of 12,692,653.


Demographics are integral to economic development planning representing the assets of human capacity within a community. Demographics can also lead to key questions around equity in economic development. To learn more about building equity into economic development efforts, review the Access, Process, and Outcomes Framework for Equity in Economic Development.

ACS 2021 (5-yr) County Demographic Estimates

Demographic Characteristics

Total PopulationPersons in PovertyPercent with Health Insurance
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Total Population
Understanding changes in population over time can assist with resource planning, allocating resources toward population recruitment or retention, and evaluating future growth.

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Population Explorer
Select variables to better understand demographic composition. Selection of each variable will bring up a graph visualizing subsections of your area's geography.

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Median Household Income
Income increases and decreases can help inform broader information about the workforce and the wellbeing of a community, especially in relation to larger geographies - state and national for example.

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Housing and Infrastructure

Infrastructure plays a role in supporting local business growth, drawing new companies in, and assessing critical projects for an area. In addition to your region's physical infrastructure, key components to addressing infrastructure around economic and social support include transportation, housing and broadband.

Transportation and Housing

Cost of housing and percent of renters versus owners can be a key indicator for assessing future housing needs.

Median Gross Rent
Median Monthly Owner Cost
Median Property Value
Median Property Taxes
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The following chart presents gross mortgage costs as a percent of total household income.

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The following chart presents gross rental costs as a percent of total household income.

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Workforce data combines demographic information with information about the current labor environment. Understanding the size and composition of workforce can lead to pathways toward new training, support for individuals transitioning into the labor force, and reducing the number of unemployed or underemployed persons in an area.

Workforce Summary

Prime Age (25-54) Population Number
Prime Age Employed Population
Prime Age Employment Rate
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Local Economy

Demographics are integral to economic development planning representing the assets of human capacity within a community. Demographics can also lead to key questions around equity in economic development. Assessing your region's access, process, and outcomes around equity and demographics is important.

Economic and Fiscal Trends

To determine state-level economic strength and vulnerability, we use the (SGRVI). Theis metric estimates monthly changes relative to a user selected baseline. That baseline could be February 2017 to encapsulate our full suite of data, January 2020 to look at changes compared to just before the COVID19 pandemic, or can be selected to compare to a locally significant period of time like a disaster or major local investment.

Revenues included in both indices include: taxes on products and sales, transportation and housing revenues, individual income taxes, severance taxes and royalties, and property taxes. Local government revenues also include a local revenue from state revenue sharing component. In addition, the main index for the SGRVI includes revenue estimates for sub-county government units, including municipalities, school districts, and special districts. This revenue data is aggregated to produce the indices. Find a description of the methodology, including how estimates for each revenue source were produced, is available here.
SGRVI Baseline Slider
The SGRVI chart can be adjusted using the baseline slider, setting the baseline date from which each index is calculated.
State Government Revenue Vulnerability Index (SGRVI)
The SGRVI measures the vulnerability of state government revenues by estimating monthly changes relative to a given baseline. Values less than 1 indicate losses.

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Risk and Resilience

Resilience against shocks and stressors is a key component to sustainable economic development. Knowing the hazards that threaten a local economy can help to shift plans toward more resilient futures.

GINI Coefficient (Income Inequality)

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National Risk Index
National Risk Index values represent probability ratings for each disaster type as well as annual loss estimates for each disaster type

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