The National Economic Research and Resilience Center works closely with other centers within Argonne National Laboratory and organizations outside of the lab to ensure our research is relevant and trustworthy.
ClimRR - ClimRR provides future climate data to help us plan for and adapt to our changing world. Using one of the world's largest supercomputers, ClimRR models over 60 climate variables to provide the most sophisticated, free dynamically downscaled projections for the United States.
RAPT - RAPT is a free GIS web map with over 100 pre-loaded data layers and easy to use analysis tools. RAPT supports emergency management decisions for outreach, planning, mitigation, response and recovery.
U.S. Census Bureau - the majority of our data products utilize data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition to their census and survey data, NERDE was part of The Opportunity Project 2023 which focuses on turning federal open data into new technologies to solve real world problems.
National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) - NADO is a membership association that represents the interests of regional community and economic development practitioners. Established in 1967, NADO advocates for federal policies and programs that promote equitable community development, economic competitiveness, rural development, economic mobility, and quality of place. NADO represents a national network of more than 500 Regional Development Organizations (RDOs) across the country. We love their EDD map and compilation of regional CEDs from across the country.
Center on Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC) - CREC's goal is to help regions compete using data, providing technical assistance, and hosting trainings for local economic leadership to better understand their role in their communities. We love their State and Local Economic Development Strategies (SLEDS) database and research from the Association of Public Data Users.
Brookings Metro Monitor - Metro Monitor 2023 provides a comprehensive look of how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted inclusive growth across five broad categories: growth, prosperity, overall inclusion, racial inclusion, and geographic inclusion. The Metro Monitor provides data for 192 U.S. metro areas with populations of at least 250,000.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Native Community Data Profiles - Adequate and accurate tribal data can be difficult to find. The Minneapolis FED has worked closely with tribal nations to compile the Native Community Data Profiles tool aggregating data for Indian Country from the American Community Survey, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and USDA to develop data specifically for tribal needs.